Communities In Schools of Baytown (CISB) launched a successful virtual Job Readiness Training Program (JRTP) for Goose Creek Consolidated ISD (GCCISD) high school students in 2021. This is a comprehensive program designed to prepare students to enter the workforce or college by training them in the areas of college and career readiness. This program was also designed to assist students with gaining internships and volunteer hours needed for college. This training is a valuable experience for all students, and the exposure for first generation high school graduates entering the workforce or pursuing a college degree is remarkable.
The workshop topics are career exploration, resume writing, interview prep, effective team communication, verification, transitioning to college, senior/junior checklist, FAFSA/TASFA workshop, and winning scholarships. Students will have the opportunity to attend college fairs and field trips.
Students will learn self-assessment, career assessment/career research, career planning & values, goal setting, different types of resumes and resume writing, cover letters and references, interviewing skills, effective communication, appropriate business attire, filling out a job application, filling out new hire paperwork, interview attire, SAT/ACT and TSIA preparation tools, meeting financial aid deadlines, and scholarship engines.
Who can participate in the JTRP?
Eighth graders and high school students are the identified audience. Upon completion of the program, each student will receive a certificate of participation and their assigned CISB Site Coordinator will assist them with applying for employment and/or college.
To sign up for the program, contact your campus CISB Site Coordinator.